Monday, February 16, 2009

Dating While In A Temporary Mindset

I have a new version of the "i have a friend" speak:

I am going to tell this story in first person HOWEVER...This is not about me, this story is not about anyone in particular. I just feel this lesson needs to be shared.

Seriously, hoW are you mad at me fore being with other guys when you yourself have been doing the same with other girls.

Seriously, am I not with a new girl every month.

First of all its none of your business what I do, if you don't want to have sex with me anymore no one is forcing you.

Look I'm not calling you a slut. I just don't want to do this activity with you because this is more of a date than I'm not comfortable with yet in the trust dept.

This is ridiculous, I have never fucked someone or even flirted with someone all hardcore in front of you ever. When you're with me I give you most of my attention.

Yeah but the last two people you slept with are just a little to close for comfort in my book as far as friends go.

You mean the last two people you happen to know! Neither of them are your best friends. Besides, I slept with one in high school when I was 17 years old.

Look I just don't want to go on a date with you. I like you but I just don't think you're ready for a committed relationship.

You spend half you week drunk after 9 pm and I get up at 8 am on the dot 6 days a week and I"M the immature irresponsible one?!?

I just need time and I need you to-

Why are you doing this? Why can't we just date and see what happens? I'm not asking you to introduce me as your girlfriend and to suddenly commit to all these...things! I'm asking you to try it with me. Lets see if it works, who cares if it doesn't.
I would stop sleeping with other people if you promised me some emotional security. Let's make love instead of having sex!

I just can't. I'm sorry, I like you a lot. I just need to hear from you that you're going to allow what we have to transform your flirtatious behavior with other guys.

And the minute you do the same is the minute you earn my commitment. I will not allow you to do this double standard bullshit at me twice.

Whatever, I have never slept with one of your friends-

Those guys are not you friends-

OR compared you to other people in anyway!

Oh yes you do. You do it everyday. I'd just rather have us be honest than lie to each other.

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